Fighting caterpillars…

… to save the coast’s marine pine trees! We are putting « collars » around the trees to capture the caterpillars going down the tree as the temperature rises. These traps will be completed by more advanced techniques such as pheromone traps or installing bird houses for chickadees who will feast on the caterpillars!

Lutter contre les chenilles processionnaires…

… et sauver les pins maritimes de la côte ! Nous sommes en train de poser des colliers sur les arbres afin de capturer les chenilles qui descendront des cimes des pins lorsque la température augmentera, pièges qui viendront compléter un dispositif plus complet avec des pièges à  phéronomes et l’installation de nichoirs à mésanges qui vont pouvoir… se régaler !

Results of the Seaweb competition at the Unesco

Today was held at the Unesco the award ceremony for the Seaweb competition that I organized with Ferrandi cooking school. Seaweb is an organization fighting for the preservation of oceans and their resources and our collaboration is extremely precious for me. This competition is important to me because it sheds light on the young generation of chefs who act for the preservation of our marine resources. It is crucial for me to reward the commitment and talent of these young professionals, the fut…

Maisons de Bricourt

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