Small bites for the imagination

When I imagined these trays of warm and cold preparations, I was thinking about the pleasure we used to get going to the restaurant. For me, this pleasure was linked to the profusion of flavours, the difficulty to choose, the urge to taste everything. Later, when I travelled, I ate on street markets, in cheap restaurants, and more sophisticated ones, and I particularly enjoyed the spirit of the Chinese hot pot. These small bites are brought to the table simultaneously on two trays. The cold dish…

Un grignotage pour susciter l’imaginaire

Lorsque j’ai imaginé ces plateaux contenant des préparations froides puis chaudes, je pensais au plaisir que l’on ressentait hier lorsque l’on allait au restaurant. Ce plaisir pour moi était lié à la profusion des saveurs, la difficulté de choisir, l’envie de tout goûter. Plus tard, lors de mes voyages, j’ai mangé sur les marchés, dans des restaurants populaires, d’autres plus sophistiqués et j’ai particulièrement aimé l’esprit asiatique de la fondue chinoise. Ces grignotages sont donc apportés …

Back from India John Dory

It is the first dish through which I managed to totally express what I wanted to do as a chef. It is also my first spices blend. I paired it with a John Dory filet fished in the bay, I picked a cabbage in a field facing the sea, I added apple compote, and a bit of mango. And here it was, the essence of my cuisine. A lot of people think that the Back from India powder was born after a trip. It is true in some way, if the trips you take in your imagination count! The idea to take advantage of t…

Maisons de Bricourt

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